3rd-5th PE Class

Course Description

Welcome to Mrs. Winbauer's online home school PE class!
Here I will share videos, links and assignments for you to meet your PE minutes each week!
Hang tight as I get this rolling and we will stay healthy and in shape together!
This cannot replace the in person time I spend with you as I miss you all so much, but I hope the interaction we get online and live will bridge that gap :)
*To start, please print this tracker if possible or just keep a running record of your activities!
Mrs. Winbauer

Upcoming Assignments See all

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See all posted assignments for this class.


Field Day Activity Packet #2

Its FUN FriYay!!!
Open the file to see the next set of field day event activities you can do. 
NExt week during our zoom time we will go over how to play these and practice them together :)
Have a great weekend!
Mrs. Winbauer

Week #5

Happy Monday!
This week please focus on the 4 events that were posted on Friday and use the tracking sheet for those games. 
I will be in my zoom class most days from 10am-11am 
click this link to join!
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 716 1244 4748
Password: 6sJk7j


AAAANNNNNNDDDDD we are off to start practicing for the National Field Day Event on May 8th! 
Attached is the practice plan tracking sheet.
This sheet will take the place of the regular tracking sheet I send out. 
Let me know if you have any questions!

Mrs. Winbauer

Week #4 Lesson #2

Happy HUMP DAY!!!
This lesson here focuses on cardio!  Its called a HIIT workout. 
HIIT- High Intensity Interval Training
*Very similar to our stations we do around the field. 
*Mental toughness- again, push yourself today even when you want to quit. Your body can go longer than your brain so let it gooooooo (like is Elsa says)
Have fun with it. When you finish do a self check and ask yourself these questions
1. Hows my breathing? Fast or slow?
2. Did I hit my goal of not quitting?
3. How do I feel about my performance? Happy or sad?
Have a great rest of your week :)
Mrs. Winbauer

Week #4 Lesson #1 4/13

Its time to workout!!!!
1. Get your family up and ready to stretch, jump, skip and more!
2. Click this link to get started 
Have fun and don't stop til the video ends!
Mental toughness is something we work on everyday. 
*Our minds quit before our bodies- FACT
*Our minds are tougher than we know-FACT
*Your brain needs to push past the uncomfortable stage to grow- FACT
Use this activity as a brain booster- when your'e tired, body feels tight and you want to stop.....DON'T. Push through it, you will survive and your brain and body will grow stronger and tougher. 
Mrs. Winbauer

PE Activity Tracker - Week 4

Good Morning KIDS!
Here is this weeks tracker. If you can, please print or make your own to keep a record of your activities this week.
Most important thing to do is HAVE FUN! No matter what exercise you get, have fun doing it. Bring your family along with you to enjoy more gymnastics!
I will be on zoom most days from 10-11am to answer any questions, chat and if you'd like we can do an activity! 
In the wise words of Mrs. Wildey.......It's a great week to have a great week!
Mrs. Winbauer 

Week #3 Lesson #2

Good Morning Kiddos!
We started with somersaults and now we will HANDSTAND!
Click this link to watch the detailed video on how to do handstands at home :)
Remember to write in your activity tracker the exercises you've been doing that I've sent you and the ones you do on your own! I look forward to seeing you all again someday....when that day comes, we will have the biggest PE dance party ever!!!!
Have a great rest of your week :)
Mrs. Winbauer

4/6-4/10 Week #3 Lesson #1 Gymnastics

Hi KIDS!!!!!
This week we are focusing on gymnastics. This is an activity we would be doing at school :)
The youtube video will show you what to do and how to do it!
Write down the lesson you did AND in your words tell me:
1. How did you like this activity?
2. What was your favorite part?
3. What did you not like about it?
Using your activity tracker for this week write your answers on the back of sheet for each lesson. Look out for Lesson #2 Coming Wednesday!
*In between these lessons please keep track of the exercises you do on your own!
*I will be holding office hours for you to check in with me if needed everyday between 10:00-11:00am. Here is the link to my zoom account https://us04web.zoom.us/j/6151981014
PLEASE email me with any questions at [email protected]
Stay positive, stay focused, stay healthy and stay happy!!
Mrs. Winbauer

Physical Fitness Trail

If you can, print these activities to place around your home!
DO NOT print the first page to log the activity as I have sent one to you already. 
IDEAS: Place each card somewhere in your house such as; fridge, bathroom door, bedroom door, above or near the couch, kitchen table etc!
You are designing a trail that you can do for exercise! Any time you pass by that card do the activity OR if you want to complete a lap on the trail then go for it!
Have fun with this and send me photos or videos of you doing it!