Sandra Wang » Lunch Forms

Lunch Forms

Lunch Order form is due each week on FRIDAY.  Each child has a district lunch account already set up and when your child purchases a lunch, s/he will swipe his/her card.  Please add funds to your district account online or write a check and give to Jeri in the main office (do not send to class).
If your account has insufficient funds, the district will allow your child to credit the account up to $15.00.  Once it reaches this amount, your child will no longer be able to purchase a lunch and no food will be offered.  Thank you for your understanding of this new policy.

I will send a birthday notice home a few weeks before your child's birthday.  We sing the birthday song, s/he gets to roll our Birthday Poem Cube, receive a birthday bag with a special gift from the treasure chest...and of course, the VIP birthday crown! 
If you would like, your child can wrap up a book (new or from your personal library) as a gift to the class; however, we do not celebrate with food.  If your child has a summer Birthday we will celebrate their upcoming birthday in June!